iDMS Introduction

iDMS is designed to store the entire lifecycle data relating to every critical bolted joint on an installation. It provides managers and technicians with essential information about joint components used in assembly, plus it specifies the tools and the torque or tension values to deliver a leak-free joint. A key benefit of implementing iDMS is that whenever a joint is worked on, all of the previous history and experience of that joint is available, allowing any particular requirements of the joint to be taken into account proactively prior to joint assembly and tightening.

Hydratights’ iDMS (Integrity Data Management System) is a dedicated software tool for the management of information critical to the safety and reliability of bolted joints in the process and other industries. It allows data on materials of construction, assembly, bolt loads, maintenance history, documentation and more to be logged and retrieved through one quick, easy on-screen interface.

Meeting Industry Expectations and More

When legislation and industry best-practice is driving the need for safer systems and processes, iDMS allows managers and technicians to make decisions with absolute confidence. Over time, the system will log data for the entire lifecycle of every critical bolted joint on an installation, building up a library of essential information to aid planning, ensure joint integrity and reduce overall costs. Just as importantly, it will provide a fully traceable record for each individual piece of work, contributing to certification and compliant working practices. It will also supply a full audit trail to help in the management of technician and sub contractor competence.

The Customized Management Tool

iDMS can be automatically linked to your existing project piping specifications and its core functionality customized to suit your operational needs and specific working practices. For best results, the system should be implemented at the very start of a project’s design. However, it can be adopted at any time during the life of an asset, providing a powerful data management solution to improve efficiency and reduce project costs through design, installation, management and eventual decommissioning.

iDMS Core Package

The iDMS Core package includes a database which is fully interactive with Informate. The system can be supplied as a single user package or as a multi user system installed on a network.

The iDMS Core package will provide users with the following benefits and services :

  • Recording and storing of all data relating to the controlled tightening of critical joints
  • Control and calculation of joint tightening data either by the inbuilt functionality of Informate or for special joints by recording the calculation source
  • Source of controlled joint tightening procedures
  • Work pack management system for planning, controlling and recording work on critical joints
  • Inspection module within the work pack manager allows recording of N2He tests, visual inspections and hydro testing of the joint
  • System to record and manage exceptions and non-standard joints
  • Means of recording leaks and the actions taken to prevent recurrence
  • Colour coding of the joint allows an instant method of reviewing the status

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Date: 24 Apr 2019

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